AI Taking Over Employment: What You Should Know About Jobs in the Future

Artificial intelligence is poised to eliminate millions of current jobs — and create millions of new ones.

Artificial intelligence has promised to create new employment and boost productivity, but it has cost money. A 2023 Resume Builder study indicated that 37% of AI-using organizations replaced workers and 44% expected AI-induced layoffs in 2024.

However, other academics and business insiders are unimpressed with AI and not worried about its ascent. Meta president of global affairs Nick Clegg told the BBC, “In many ways, they’re quite absurd.” When addressing AI models. Even OpenAI creator Sam Altman calls AI technologies “extremely overhyped.”

Machines are growing. Most people who worry AI-powered technology would take their employment will be relieved that they’re growing more slowly than some media coverage suggests.

10 Jobs AI Will Replace

Many experts expect some vocations to be fully automated in the next 5-10 years. Below are some roles that AI may soon replace.

  • Customer service representative
  • Car and truck driver
  • Computer programmer
  • Research analyst 
  • Paralegal
  • Factory or warehouse worker
  • Financial trader
  • Travel advisor 
  • Content writer (in some cases)
  • Graphic designer

AI Won’t Replace 9 Jobs

Some jobs are less likely to be displaced by AI, which is comforting. Creative, compassionate, and complicated strategic occupations won’t be replicated by AI.

  • Teacher
  • Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Therapist
  • Handyperson
  • Lawyer 
  • HR Specialist
  • Writer
  • Artist

Benefits Of AI In The Workplace

Despite concerns about job loss due to automation, organizations and people that use AI benefit greatly.

More Focused and Interesting Work

Many experts say AI’s biggest benefit is its capacity to relieve people from tiresome repetitive chores so they may focus on more complicated and fulfilling projects or take a break.

“There’s always a problem with technology displacing this current body of workers or tasks, and that’s true,” said Catalytic co-founder Sean Chou. “Yet, that work and output are always diverted to more productive things.”

Workdays are shorter and more efficient.

Some believe productivity and efficiency may shrink the workweek. Though nice in theory, it has drawbacks. How will salary and benefits change? Who gets most of the money? Unanswered questions persist.

“Up to this point, technology has made more work because it’s another item you have to deal with,” said Justin Adams, former Digitize.AI CEO, and Waystar vice president. However, I believe some AI will reach an inflection point where that truly changes.”

More Informed Choices

Because AI and machine learning can collect and interpret massive amounts of data, humans can quickly get insights and comprehend trends and patterns. This eliminates guessing and ensures employees use data-driven discoveries to make informed team and company choices.

Increased creativity and problem-solving

AI can handle monotonous jobs so humans may focus on more complex business problems. AI-powered solutions like ChatGPT can also collaborate with people on ideas. Thus, AI can help humans solve challenges and collaborate on creative business solutions.

More Customized Customer Experience

AI can help employees follow online behavior and consumer preferences. These skills help teams customize goods and services and improve client interactions. Employees may boost corporate reputation and profits by improving customer service.

How AI Will Create Jobs

AI development requires numerous humans to train and enhance algorithms. This creates new positions. Machine learning engineers build and manage AI systems, while AI ethics experts assure responsible use.

Chou affirms the need for labor. “The number of people needed to deliver better and better technology grows massively,” Chou added. AI requires constant training, data, maintenance, and exception handling. How is AI monitored? How do we train it? How can AIs not go wild? Those will generate new jobs.”

Instead of eliminating employment, AI is moving them and redefining what experts do. The internet had a similar influence on its inception. Skymind.AI CEO Chris Nicholson offers a similar vision from a distant past.

“Everybody uses this analogy, but the Industrial Revolution eliminated a certain job,” Nicholson remarked. However, many [new] employment were generated. Before and after the Industrial Revolution, England was not poorer or less productive. There was more labor, but it was different.”

How to Prepare for Workplace AI

Amazon will retrain 300,000 workers for $1.2 billion. Amazon offers a voluntary initiative called “Upskilling 2025” to educate employees on technological skills they may use within or outside the firm. Given the company’s purportedly poor treatment of workers, cynics may see that as an expensive PR effort.


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