Recall all of your virtues. You floss, right? You clean your teeth twice a day. Maybe you make it a point to acquire some vitamin D or at least walk a certain amount each day.

How about doing a little tech cleanliness to maintain the health of your computer? Once you’ve finished viewing a webpage, close the tab you’re in by pressing Ctrl + W on Windows or Cmd + W on Mac.

I’ll give it to you better. For a few extra choices, right-click on the header of any tab. Generally, you will see two options: one to dismiss all tabs except the one you are currently using, and the other to shut all tabs to the right of the tab you are currently using.

I adore discovering (and sharing) quick fixes and efficiency enhancers. I guarantee you’ll find at least one on the list below that you’ll use often.

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Forever goodbye: A file that you sent to the trash is still there. Holding Shift + Delete can permanently remove a file from Windows without placing it in the Recycle Bin. On a Mac, pick the file, press and hold the Option key while selecting File from the menu bar. The choice magically shifts from Move to Trash to Delete Right Away.

Simpler than elucidating: On a Mac, screen recording is easy. Press Shift + Cmd + 5 to capture the full-screen image. If you would want to omit anything else, you may easily choose which part to record. On Windows, it’s a little more of a procedure.

Oh my, the screen on your PC turned black: Press and hold Windows + Ctrl + Shift + B before holding down the power button. This informs your computer, “Hey, there’s a problem with the display.” Could you please repair it? To put it in geek parlance, it resets or refreshes your graphics driver.

Mac or iPhone acting strangely? Try the integrated diagnostic tool instead of going to the Apple Store. Not everyone should use it, as it is intended for individuals who possess the skills to fix their equipment. As of right now, macOS Sonoma 14.1 and iOS 17 are compatible. Simply insert the serial number into diagnostics mode on your Mac or iPhone to start troubleshooting.

If you have Android users in your group or detest FaceTime, WhatsApp for Mac is a good group call solution. For a video conference, you may add eight participants, and for an audio-only conversation, up to 32. Windows computers may also use it.

Emoji-style: There’s a shortcut to the emoji menu on your PC. For Mac users, locate that adorable little slice of 🍕 by pressing Ctrl + Cmd + spacebar. Windows users, please hold Windows +.

For the experts on Windows: Try the shutdown shortcut labeled “shade.” On your desktop, right-click and select New > Shortcut. Enter the following command in the location field: SlideToShutDown.exe, located at %windir%\System32 After naming the shortcut and clicking Next, click Finish.

Double-clicking the shortcut will now cause your computer to shut down. There will be a pull-down shade at the top of the screen. Click and drag the mouse to the bottom of the screen if you’re using one. You may just swipe the screen down on touch devices.

Here’s one additional piece of advice.

You’re it, tag: Use tags to arrange your files in the Finder on your Mac. You can create tags for projects, family, and/or work, anything you’d want. To choose a file from the list of available tags or to add your own, use Cmd + click.

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