Together, Meta, Snapchat, and TikTok tackle content related to self-harm.

Meta, Snapchat and TikTok Team Up To Address Self-Harm Related Content


Meta, Snapchat, and TikTok are collaborating on a new initiative aimed at identifying and eliminating content related to suicide and self-harm, with the goal of minimizing exposure for users who may be at risk.

This initiative, named “Thrive,” will be managed by the Mental Health Coalition, allowing the three platforms to exchange information regarding concerning content, thereby facilitating more comprehensive cross-platform responses.

It is important to note that all three applications permit users to engage in discussions about mental health issues and express their feelings on the subject. However, there are strict regulations governing the dissemination of graphic content or material that may promote suicide or self-harm, which is the primary focus of the Thrive initiative.

The project will involve the three companies sharing data on such content, leading to more efficient and timely enforcement actions. This data will be represented in the form of identifiable “hashes,” ensuring that it can be detected across each platform and addressed appropriately.

Meta emphasizes that the information provided will solely pertain to content identification and will not contain any identifiable details regarding accounts or individuals. This approach will facilitate the expedited removal of such content while simultaneously aiding in the development of relevant databases and enforcement mechanisms within each application.

Prominent social media platforms have also been collaborating on influence operations, exchanging comparable information to identify and eliminate coordinated efforts aimed at misleading users.

Such inter-platform cooperation can significantly enhance response initiatives, and it is encouraging to observe the three companies striving to broaden their respective measures to safeguard users more effectively.

The rise in social media engagement has been associated with elevated instances of depression and self-harm among young individuals. Given that suicide has become the second leading cause of death among American youth, it is crucial for these platforms to enhance and refine their detection mechanisms whenever feasible to ensure user safety. This initiative is significant in this context and is expected to establish a framework for wider cooperation.

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