Telegram, which is the most popular messaging platform, has announced a significant new update that ensures greater user privacy and adds features of monetization. The feature, which can only be availed by Premium users of Telegram, allows charging for incoming messages from non-contact individuals, literally enabling them to monetize the messaging experience.

Introducing ‘Star Messages’

The essence of this update is the “Star Messages” feature, which makes use of Telegram’s virtual currency, Stars. It allows users to set a fee between 1 and 10,000 Stars for messages they receive from users not stored in their contacts. To put it into perspective, 100 Stars cost $2, 500 Stars cost $10, and 1,000 Stars cost $20.

Monetization Opportunities for Creators and Community Leaders

This aspect offers a lucrative platform for creators and group administrators to make money. Selling messages in personal chats, group chats, or channel comments, earns 85% of the revenue while Telegram takes the other 15%. Further, Stars earned can be redeemed through and used to purchase Premium subscriptions or Telegram advertising.

Increased Privacy and Security Features

In addition to monetization, the update brings with it advanced privacy features. On receiving messages from non-contacts, users are offered complete information about the sender such as country, common groups, registration date, and profile picture or username. This transparency helps in recognizing potential scammers and making smart choices while interacting.

Additional Features and Improvements

Telegram has also enhanced functionality among Android users by introducing support for casting video to Chromecast devices. The update also gives users the ability to pin gifts to their profile, which enables them to personalize their accounts further. These updates highlight Telegram’s vision to provide a flexible and user-centric messaging app.

In general, Telegram’s latest update is a significant step towards monetization in its messaging space with enhanced user control and privacy. Such developments have the potential to attract more users, particularly content creators, and professionals seeking more privacy as well as income.

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